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gun control


Safe Passage to School Expansion Act of 2019

Safe Passage to School Expansion Act of 2019

Introduced: July 9, 2019

Co-introducers: Councilmembers Robert White, Brianne Nadeau, Mary Cheh, Brandon Todd, Trayon White


Summary: To establish an Office of Safe Passage to ensure safe passage for students traveling to and from LEAs between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday during the school year and summer; and to require the Mayor to provide a shuttle bus from the metro station to a DCPS and public charter school within a priority area with the fewest public transportation options.

Councilmember Grosso's Introduction Statement:

Thank you, Chairman Mendelson.

Today, along with my colleagues, Councilmembers Brianne Nadeau, Brandon Todd, Mary Cheh, Robert White, and Trayon White, I am introducing the Safe Passage to School Expansion Act of 2019.

According to research conducted by Guns & America, there were 286 identified shootings in the District of Columbia between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. during the 2016-2017 school year. 177 of these shootings were within a 1,000-foot-radius of a school campus. 82% of these incidents happened near schools on the east end of our city.

And, as many of you know, we've had several scary incidences this past school year.

DC PREP and Ketcham Elementary School have repeatedly gone on lockdown because of the proximity and intensity of the shootings in their neighborhood.

A family was attacked on their way back from KIPP DC Douglass Campus to Anacostia metro station.

Shootings have occurred near Savoy and Tubman Elementary school.

More recently, shots were fired during a movie night at Hendley Elementary School and they’ve been occurring in close proximity to their building over the course of many days.

And we’ve had multiple children die due to gun violence this year on their way to and from school.

This is not normal and it’s not okay. And for far too long, adults have turned a blind eye to this. How do we expect our students to learn when they can’t rely on us to keep them safe to and from school?

This legislation establishes an Office of Safe Passage to ensure students are able to travel safely to and from schools every day during school hours and after school activities. It also requires the Mayor to provide a shuttle bus from the metro station to a DCPS and public charter school with the fewest transportation options.

With continuous and sustained safe passage programming, I believe our students, schools and communities will be safer.

I welcome any co-sponsors.

• Thank You.



Grosso Introduces Resolution to Declare the Sense of the Council that Congress Must Adopt Comprehensive Gun Control Legislation

For Immediate Release: 
December 15, 2015
Contact: Darby Hickey
(202) 724-8105

Grosso Introduces Resolution Calling on Congress to Adopt Comprehensive Gun Control Legislation

Washington, D.C.--Today, Councilmember David Grosso (I-At Large) introduced a Sense of the Council resolution calling on Congress to act swiftly and decisively to protect all Americans from further gun violence by enacting sensible and comprehensive gun control measures. The resolution has full Council support with all members joining as co-introducers. In addition, the resolution demands that Congress refrain from adopting legislation that would restrict the District of Columbia government's ability to legislate the regulation of firearms.

"Yesterday marked the third anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre where a gunman tragically murdered 26 people in Newtown, Connecticut. Since then, Congress has failed time and time again to pass gun reform laws," Grosso said. "I introduced this resolution because Congress has a responsibility to protect all Americans. They can demonstrate their commitment to protecting the safety and well-being of all Americans by reforming the woefully inadequate gun laws that currently exist."

Everytown for Gun Safety reports that there have been 161 incidences of school shootings across the nation since 2013.  In the past 349 days of this year, there have been 355 mass shootings in the United States. 

"This is a call to action," said Grosso. "It is time for Congress to adopt practical and comprehensive gun control measures."

