
Grosso to Hold a Reconvening of a Hearing on B21-0361, “Youth Suicide Prevention and School Climate Survey Act of 2015” and B21-0319, “Assessment on Children of Incarcerated Parents Act of 2015”

Councilmember David Grosso announces the reconvening of a recessed public hearing of the Committee on Education on B21-361, “Youth Suicide Prevention and School Climate Survey Act of 2015” and B21-319, “Assessment on Children of Incarcerated Parents Act of 2015”. The hearing will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 12, 2015 in Hearing Room 123 of the John A. Wilson Building.



D.C. Grosso Welcomes Process Changes on School Modernizations

Today, the Committee on Education along with the Committee on Transportation and the Environment held a joint oversight roundtable on District of Columbia Public School (DCPS) modernizations. This followed the Committees' joint oversight roundtable on the topic on July 8, 2015, when the D.C. Auditor released her report on the lack of accountability and transparency within the DCPS modernization program in fiscal years 2010-2013.



High School Scores a Sobering but Necessary Performance Reality Check

For Immediate Release: 
Contact: Darby Hickey
(202) 724-8105

High School Scores a Sobering but Necessary Performance Reality Check

Washington, D.C.--Councilmember David Grosso, chairperson of the Committee on Education, released the following statement on the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) high school scores for the District of Columbia:
"As expected, today's release of PARCC high school scores is nothing to cheer about; however, we must remember that this is a recalibrating moment in our city for assessment of progress in the public education system. When the District of Columbia transitioned to the PARCC assessment, we knew that the test would be more difficult. But we also knew that it was important for us to raise our standards to ensure that our students are honestly "college and career ready." These results present a more accurate indication of how much work we still have to do. It is not an indication of students learning less, but rather a better understanding of where we need to be in the long run.
I am confident that our educators and school leaders will get to work and use these new scores and data to continue to improve. This is simply a new baseline. And it is important to remember that the PARCC assessment is not our only indicator of success or progress. We must continue to look towards NAEP/TUDA data, high school graduation rates, and other indicators that show public education in D.C. is constantly improving.
I am committed to supporting the work of our public schools, and continuing to push and innovate in other areas of our government whose work impacts our students. If we want to see these results improve, schools cannot be the only place where we tackle the achievement gap. Every single resident has to be committed to doing all we can to ensure that every child in the city is in the best position to learn."



Hearing on DCPS School Modernizations

Councilmember David Grosso, chairperson of the Committee on Education, and Councilmember Mary Cheh, chairperson of the Committee on Transportation and the Environment announces the scheduling of a joint public oversight roundtable on DC Public Schools (DCPS) school modernizations. The hearing will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, November 2, 2015 in Hearing Room 412 of the John A. Wilson Building.



Grosso Introduces Bill to Close PAC Campaign Finance Loophole

For Immediate Release: 
Contact: Darby Hickey
(202) 724-8105

Grosso Introduces Bill to Close PAC Campaign Finance Loophole

Washington, D.C.--Today, Councilmember David Grosso (I-At Large), along with Councilmembers Mary Cheh, Charles Allen and Anita Bonds, introduced the Political Action Committee Contribution Regulation Amendment Act of 2015 to close the loophole in D.C. campaign finance laws allowing Political Action Committees (PACs) to raise unlimited donations in non-election years. Grosso released the following statement:
"Since joining the Council, I have worked to do all that I can to empower our residents to feel as though they have a strong voice in local politics.  I ran for office on a platform of good government, with transparency and ethics, and I have worked to further those goals as a Councilmember over the past three years.
Last year, the Council passed a law that closed the so-called 'LLC Loophole,' limiting donations of corporations to political campaigns, and bringing more transparency and accountability to the elections process. Despite that positive change, regulations were finalized that exempted Political Action Committees from the campaign finance donation limits during non-election years.   
While campaign donations are a necessary aspect of politics, we also must ensure that everyone has an opportunity to participate in and positively influence the political process, regardless of how much or how little they are able to contribute, or if they do not contribute at all. Unlimited donations undermine the voice of the people, which is why I introduced this measure to close the loophole that allows Political Action Committees to raise unlimited donations in non-election years. By striking this section of the regulations we put Political Action Committees in the same position as Principal Campaign Committees with reasonable limitations on the amount of money that any one individual or business can contribute.
A healthy democracy needs engagement from residents, but when residents feel their vote does not matter, they disengage from the political process. Campaign finance reform is a critical aspect of good government because it keeps elected officials accountable to every voter, not just big donors. The legislation I introduced today helps to ensure that we strike the necessary balance between competing interests and expand the opportunity for everyone to have their voices heard."



Hearing on Early Learning and Early Care in the District of Columbia and B21-0019, “Thurgood Marshall-Marion Barry Early Learning Academy Act of 2015”

Councilmember David Grosso announces the scheduling of a public hearing of the Committee on Education on early learning and early care in the District of Columbia and B21-19, the “Thurgood Marshall-Marion Barry Early Learning Academy Act of 2015”. The hearing will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, November 14, 2015 in Hearing Room 412 of the John A. Wilson Building.  



Hearing on B21-0361, “Youth Suicide Prevention and School Climate Survey Act of 2015” and B21-0319, “Assessment on Children of Incarcerated Parents Act of 2015”

Councilmember David Grosso announces the scheduling of a public hearing of the Committee on Education on B21-361, “Youth Suicide Prevention and School Climate Survey Act of 2015” and B21-319, “Assessment on Children of Incarcerated Parents Act of 2015”. The hearing will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 27, 2015 in Hearing Room 412 of the John A. Wilson Building.  



Hearing on B21-0039, “Military Installation Public Charter School Amendment Act of 2015” and B21-0428, “School Choice for Military Families Amendment Act of 2015”

Councilmember David Grosso announces the scheduling of a public hearing of the Committee on Education on B21-0039, “Military Installation Public Charter School Amendment Act of 2016” and B21-0428, “School Choice for Military Families Amendment Act of 2015.” The hearing will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 29, 2015 in Hearing Room 123 of the John A. Wilson Building.  



Grosso Introduces Universal Paid Leave Legislation

For Immediate Release

October 6, 2015

Contact: Darby Hickey

(202) 724-8105


Grosso Introduces Universal Paid Leave Legislation

Washington, D.C.--Today, Councilmember David Grosso (I-At Large) introduced the Universal Paid Leave Act of 2015, along with Councilmembers Silverman, Allen, Nadeau, May, McDuffie, and Cheh. This legislation, which would give 16 weeks paid leave to all workers in D.C., follows Grosso’s success last year to give D.C. government employees 8 weeks of paid family medical leave.

 “As a country we lag behind the rest of the world on family leave—we need pro-family policies that encourage care taking and nurturing,” said Grosso. “The Universal Paid Leave Act will support our D.C. workers and families, while giving our local businesses a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining highly qualified employees.”

The bill, which Grosso co-wrote with Councilmember Silverman, would allow any employee in D.C., or any D.C. resident employed outside of the city, to access a government-run fund that would pay for up to 16 weeks of leave for a qualifying event. Qualifying events include a baby born or adopted, or major medical operations for the worker or a family member. The bill’s definition of family and major events are inclusive of the diversity of D.C.’s workers and families, including low-income workers, single-parent households, caregiving for non-child family members, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals, and more.

“In D.C. we have been a leader on paid sick days, on raising the minimum wage, and providing paid family leave for government employees,” said Councilmember Silverman. “With this legislation, we once again position D.C. as a national leader on policies that bolster our families, workers, and employers.”

“I am very supportive of this legislation", said Michael Visser of Flying Fish Coffee and Tea. "As a small business, the proposed program would allow me to support paid family leave that I otherwise could not afford,  not only for my own employees, but employees throughout the city."

Research shows that paid leave for either parent after the birth or adoption of a child has a significant positive outcome for the child’s future academic success. After California and New Jersey enacted paid leave programs, employers stated that the new law had a positive effect on employee retention, productivity, and profitability. Read more about the Universal Paid Leave Act of 2015 below.

To read a copy of the bill, click here.


The Universal Paid Leave Act creates a system for District of Columbia workers to receive up to 16 weeks of paid leave for a major life event such as birth or adoption of a child or caring for a sick or injured family member or for self-care.  District of Columbia employers would pay into a city managed fund on a per-employee basis estimated to be less than 1% of the payroll.

Who takes: Any person working in the district for 50% or more of the preceding year for any covered employer.  Self-employed individuals can pay in and be covered; private residents will pay in for themselves and be covered.  DC Government Employees would continue to get their salary during paid leaves, rather than being part of this system, but the number of weeks of leave would be raised from 8 to 16 and add their own serious health conditions as a reason for taking leave.  D.C. residents who work for the federal government or an employer outside of D.C. will pay into the fund individually, as will self-employed D.C. residents.

How much does the employee get?  Up to 16 weeks for a qualifying event.  Wage replacement is Benefits would equal 100% of average weekly wages up to $1,000 a week and then 50% of average earnings above that amount, up to a maximum benefit of $3,000 a week.

Who pays: Covered employer means any individual, partnership, general contractor, subcontractor, association, corporation, business trust, or any person or group of persons acting directly or indirectly in the interest of an employer in relation to an employee, but shall not include the United States or the District of Columbia.

How much does the employer pay? A scaled percentage of their employee’s wage for that pay roll period (less than 1% of the annualized salary before taxes).

What is a qualifying event?     

  • Qualifying event means one of the following:
    1. The birth of a child of the employee;
    2. The legal placement of a child with the employee (such as through adoption, guardianship, or foster care);
    3. The placement with the employee of a child for whom the employee permanently assumes and discharges parental responsibilities; or
    4. Care for a family member or personal serious health condition
  • Family member means
    1. A person to whom the employee is related by blood, legal custody, domestic partnership, or marriage;
    2. A foster child;
    3.  A child who lives with the employee and for whom the employee permanently assumes and discharges parental responsibility; or
    4. A person with whom the employee shares or has shared, within the last year, a mutual residence and with whom the employee maintains a committed relationship. 
  • Personal Care for a "Serious health condition" – this definition is expansive and inclusive so that our LGBTQ population can access leave for procedures that require hospitalization or managed care. The Bill contains inclusive definition of serious health conditions, caregiving, needs for military families, and other reasons for long-term paid leave.

Is the person’s job protected?  D.C. Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) currently protects many employees from termination or other forms of retaliation for taking a leave (which would typically be unpaid, but could include vacation or sick days as a part). Currently, the D.C. FMLA applies to, Businesses with 20 or more employees in the District; and Employees who have worked for the same employer more than a year and worked 1,000 or more hours in the year leading up to their leave request.  The legislation would make only modest changes to job protections under the DC FMLA. It would decrease the hours and month requirement for eligibility for job protection, leave the small business exemption in place, and amends the definitions of “family” and “serious health condition” to match those in other laws.



Infographic: How Access to Paid Leave Helps Fathers

Infographic: To Promote Women’s Leadership, We Need Public Policy 

The Business Case for Paid Leave and Paid Sick Days 

Business School Faculty Letter to Congress

The Economic Benefits of Family and Medical Leave Insurance 

The Science Behind Why Paid Parental Leave is Good for Everyone 

Small Business Majority Research on Paid Family Leave 

The Cost of Doing Nothing, U.S. Department of Labor Secretary Perez




Frequently Asked Questions: Universal Paid Leave Act of 2015

1. Why does D.C. need the Universal Paid Leave Act of 2015?

The Universal Paid Leave Act would allow workers to care for themselves and their loved ones when major life events arise. Paid family medical leave helps families and  workers to be healthier and happier. For businesses, the legislation allows them to retain talented and dedicated employees, while avoiding the high costs and lengthy processes associated with staff turnover and on-boarding. A robust paid family and medical leave program will give D.C. employers a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining highly qualified workers.

2. What would this legislation mean for employees?

The bill would cover up to 16 weeks of paid leave annually for a qualifying event (family bonding or personal/family medical issues).  100% of an employee’s wages will be replaced for the first $1,000 of her or his average weekly salary and then 50% thereafter up to $3,000 a week.

Example:  Your annual salary is $50,000.  You are a new father and want to take time off to be with your adopted child.  You elect to take off 8 weeks and qualify to take leave after applying and having your eligibility verified. Your average weekly salary is $961, so you will receive that full amount for the entire 8 weeks.

3.  Who is covered by the proposed legislation?

All District of Columbia employees are eligible for paid family medical leave if they are residents of the city or spend more than 50% of their time working for an employer in the city. Employees are eligible to receive payments from the family medical leave fund at the start of employment. However, employees are only eligible for job protection after six months or 500 hours of work in a 12-month period. 

4. What are the responsibilities of an employer?

An employer pays a percentage (estimated 1% or less) from payroll for each employee into the government managed family medical leave fund. The fund administrators will be required to verify and process claims and will then pay the employees directly. The fund administrators would also handle any related investigations or appeals.

5. How will the proposed legislation be funded?

The Universal Paid Leave Act creates a city-managed fund financed by an employer-based cost-sharing model. Similar to Unemployment Insurance, all D.C. employers (except the federal and local government) will pay up to 1% of payroll into the fund. This fund would be administered by the D.C. government—keeping the burden off of employers—and the fund size will have  a maximum limit.

6. What is the difference between paid sick days and paid family medical leave?

Paid family medical leave is different than paid sick days. It would be used only for birth or adoption of a child, or for a major medical event. The estimated average cost per employee paid by the employer will be $385 annually and that amount will cover the employee for up to 16 weeks of paid leave—far less than paying directly out of pocket which will give businesses the opportunity to offer competitive benefits packages.

7. Is the employer required to hold the employee’s job during leave?

Yes, the D.C. Family Medical Leave Act standards provide 16 weeks of job protection that is unpaid. The Universal Paid Leave Act of 2015 proposes to extend job protection to employees who have worked for 6 months or 500 hours in a 12 month period. 

8. What if all the staff at a small business take leave at the same time?

We do not underestimate the effects that long-term leave has on businesses, but this is unlikely to be a problem—nationally only 13% of workers take family medical leave annually. The bill aims to enable workers to take the time they need to care for themselves or family members when the situation arises and then return to work at full capacity. The ability to retain talented and dedicated employees, and avoid the high costs and lengthy processes associated with staff turnover, makes paid family medical leave good business, no matter a business’ size.

8. What if I reverse commute or my employer is not mandated to pay into this fund?

If your employer is not required to pay into the fund, then you, as a resident, will pay into the system on your own behalf thereby enabling you to receive benefits when you become a parent or personal or family medical situations arise.  If you are a self-employed individual then you are automatically enrolled in the system to pay into the fund and receive the benefit.

9. What other jurisdictions have paid leave?

New Jersey (2008), California (2002), and Rhode Island (2013) have income tax-based family leave and temporary disability insurance policies that cannot be implemented in D.C. because of federal Home Rule restrictions on taxing income. We have, however, learned from the strengths and challenges with these programs and have incorporated their best practices into the D.C. legislation.  Globally, the United States lags behind other countries that all offer some form of paid leave for their citizens.  



Supporting Sustainable Communities through Health Impact Assessments

By Katrina Forrest

Poor health is not only physically and emotionally taxing for individuals, but there are important economic implications—these include increased costs to the healthcare system associated with the diagnosis and treatment of chronic conditions and lost time and productivity in the workforce.  While access to quality healthcare is without question a necessity, prevention is key.

Research indicates that there are a myriad of factors outside of the traditional health scope that shape health-related behaviors.  If we are to promote health and prevent disease, we must carefully consider and analyze all of the factors that impact health outcomes.  Economic sectors such as housing, transportation and agriculture can have profound impacts on the health and well-being of individuals and communities and yet these impacts are often not sufficiently evaluated.

As the District of Columbia continues to grow, with new development projects emerging every day, it is imperative that we assess how these projects positively or negatively affect the health of our residents.  By utilizing health impact assessments, we are able to better understand and identify the potentially significant unknown, unrecognized or unexpected health effects of policies, plans and projects across diverse economic sectors.

Health impact assessments rely on quantitative, qualitative and participatory techniques, to determine health impacts, the distribution of those impacts within communities and identify mitigation strategies to address adverse effects.  For example, in Washington State, legislation was enacted in 2007 to require a health impact assessment to examine the impact of a bridge replacement project on air quality, carbon emissions and other public health issues.

Recognizing the value of this tool, Councilmember Grosso introduced the Health Impact Assessment Program Establishment Act of 2015 .  This legislation establishes a health impact assessment program within the Department of Health to ensure that we are properly evaluating the potential health effects of construction and development projects on our residents and the communities they call home.

Implementing this comprehensive approach here in D.C. would help to promote sustainable development, improve and reduce health inequities, encourage cross-sectoral collaboration, and inspire a greater appreciation for public health in the policymaking process.   Grosso is committed to improving the health and wellness of every D.C. resident and this legislation is a critical step to accomplish that goal.

*This post is part of an ongoing series of posts by Councilmember Grosso’s staff to support professional development. All posts are approved and endorsed by Councilmember Grosso.



Grosso Calls on Pope Francis and the Catholic Church to Protect Victims of Sexual Abuse

For Immediate Release

September 24, 2015

Contact: Darby Hickey

(202) 724-8105


Grosso Calls on Pope Francis and the Catholic Church to Protect Victims of Sexual Abuse

Washington, D.C. – Today, at 2:30pm, Councilmember David Grosso (I-At Large) will join victims of sexual abuse at the hands of priests at a rally in front of the Wilson Building.  In advance of the rally, Grosso released the following statement:

 “In his prayer meeting with U.S. bishops yesterday, Pope Francis spoke of a ‘generous commitment to bring healing’— this stance must extend to those who have suffered sexual abuse.  I am calling on the Pope to hold the bishops of the Catholic Church accountable for abuse committed on their watch. It is past time for the Church to support better laws that protect children, expose predators, and punish enablers.

Earlier this year I introduced the ‘Childhood Protection Against Sexual Abuse Amendment Act’ to give child victims of sexual abuse more time to file a civil lawsuit against perpetrators. Our current laws unjustly protect predators, and too often the Church has opposed legal reform. If the Catholic Church is truly committed to healing and forgiveness, then it will support this legislation and efforts to protect children from harm.”

Today, at 2:30pm, Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) will rally in support of Grosso’s legislation on the steps of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW. The Childhood Protection Against Sexual Abuse Amendment Act, introduced by Grosso in March 2015, would eliminate the civil statute of limitations for recovery of damages arising out of child sexual abuse claims.  Additionally, the bill creates a two-year window for individuals whose claims of child sexual abuse were previously time-barred, enabling victims to begin the long road to recovery. The legislation is currently awaiting a hearing in the D.C. Council’s Committee on the Judiciary.





Grosso Introduces “Youth Suicide Prevention and School Climate Survey Act of 2015”

Throughout the summer, Councilmember Grosso’s office worked with advocates from The D.C. Center, the Trevor Project, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and others on the “Youth Suicide Prevention and School Climate Survey Act of 2015” which Councilmember Grosso introduced today along with Councilmembers Nadeau, Allen, May, McDuffie, Todd, Bonds, Silverman, and Cheh.

According to the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (a federal survey by the Centers for Disease Control last administered in 2012), 38% of our LGBTQ middle school students had attempted suicide in their lifetime and 28% of our LGBTQ high school students had attempted suicide within the last year.



Hearing on the Modernization of DC Public Library Facilities

Councilmember David Grosso announces the scheduling of a public oversight roundtable of the Committee on Education on the modernization of DC Public Library facilities. The roundtable will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 22, 2015 in Hearing Room 120 of the John A. Wilson Building. 



Hearing on Issues Facing District of Columbia Youth

Councilmember David Grosso announces the scheduling of a public oversight roundtable of the Committee on Education on youth issues. The hearing will be held at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 21, 2015 in Hearing Room 500 of the John A. Wilson Building.  

The purpose of this hearing is to hear testimony from District of Columbia youth regarding issues that impact their lives as they make their way through the education system. Youth, aged 21 and younger, who wish to testify can sign up online at
