Councilmember Grosso (I-At Large) released the following statement in advance of the "Justice for Ralphael Briscoe and Tamir Rice" Rally on Sunday, February 22, 2015:

As has been demonstrated through the evidence revealed during the Ralphael Briscoe case, “jump outs” are still happening and must stop immediately. The Metropolitan Police Department’s (MPD) denial about the continuing existence of jump-outs is disturbing. The fact is, if you live east of 16th Street NW, chances are you have witnessed a jump-out or the aftermath of such in a neighborhood. This practice is one that is taking place now, and we cannot continue to turn a blind eye to its use and its detrimental impact on our communities.

The jump-out tactic is the antithesis to the community policing model that MPD promotes. Not only does it immediately escalate the tension between an individual and the police, but it makes our residents fearful of doing everyday things like walking down the street or sitting on the stoop to talk with friends.

Between the field hearing the Committee on the Judiciary hosted last year, advocacy group reports and ongoing communication with residents, it is clear that there is a disconnect between how MPD views itself and the perception communities have of MPD's policing practices. As I consistently state, MPD should shift its approach from the use of violent tactics to community-based efforts and trust building. Ending the use of jump outs would be a great start towards creating a more non-violent approach to policing in D.C.. I will continue to work with my colleagues to find the best way to accomplish this change.

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